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Jordan Stanway testing propellers for AUV Sentry.

Jordan Stanway testing propellers for AUV Sentry.
Jordan Stanway testing propellers for AUV Sentry.
Jordan Stanway testing propellers for AUV Sentry.
Jordan Stanway testing propellers for AUV Sentry.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
Jordan Stanway testing propellers for AUV Sentry.
Still Image
graphics/Jordan_Stanway_testing propellers_for Sentry/_TOM5444.jpg
Jordan Stanway is a JP Student working in the flume on the dock testing propellers for Sentry.
Image of The Day caption:
The Deep Submergence Laboratory's mission is to further human understanding of the deep-sea floor by developing systems for remote, unmanned exploration. Here MIT/WHOI Joint Program Student Jordan Stanway tests propellers for the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) Sentry. AUVs are used when long-term monitoring of the ocean or seafloor is needed. Research completed with autonomous and remotely operated vehicles provides major contributions to the understanding of deep-sea geological, chemical and biological processes at mid-ocean ridges.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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