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Dave Sims deploying a CTD rosette.

Dave Sims deploying a CTD rosette.
Dave Sims deploying a CTD rosette.
Dave Sims deploying a CTD rosette.
Dave Sims deploying a CTD rosette.
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Gong, Donglai
Dave Sims deploying a CTD rosette.
Still Image
Image of The Day caption:
WHOI shipboard technician Dave Sims signals to the winch operator as Courtney Schatzman from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and Sarah Brody of Duke University stand by to recover a CTD rosette during the CLIVAR A20 cruise aboard R/V Atlantis in April 2012. CLIVAR (Climate Variability and Predictability) is a long-term international program focusing on slowly changing aspects of Earths climate system. During this years cruise in the Atlantic Ocean, researchers made 86 CTD casts to measure physical and chemical properties of the seawater at points between French Guiana in South America and the Grand Banks near Canada.
Photo by Donglai Gong
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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