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Seatex WaveScan buoy (front) and floats loaded onto Knorr.

Seatex WaveScan buoy (front) and floats loaded onto Knorr.
Seatex WaveScan buoy (front) and floats loaded onto Knorr.
Seatex WaveScan buoy (front) and floats loaded onto Knorr.
Seatex WaveScan buoy (front) and floats loaded onto Knorr.
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Pittenger, Richard F.
Seatex WaveScan buoy (front) and floats loaded onto Knorr.
Still Image
R/V Knorr gets loaded up with equipment and leaves WHOI for Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program (OSNAP)-OOI.
Photo by Dick Pittenger
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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