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Caroline Ummenhofer and SAW student Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay.

Caroline Ummenhofer and SAW student Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay.
Caroline Ummenhofer and SAW student Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay.
Caroline Ummenhofer and SAW student Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay.
Caroline Ummenhofer and SAW student Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
Caroline Ummenhofer and SAW student Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay.
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Image Of the Day caption:
The Semester at WHOI program gives juniors and seniors interested in science, math, and engineering the opportunity to come to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to do their own ocean-related research project. Tufts math major Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay recently participated in the program. He worked with physical oceanographer and climate scientist Caroline Ummenhofer to study how air-sea interactions in the southern Indian Ocean affect winter rainfall in southwest Australia. Here, Cresswell-Clay and Ummenhofer talk about his results and plan what diagrams to use in his final report and presentation.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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