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Stan Hart working on a research project in Samoa.

Stan Hart working on a research project in Samoa.
Stan Hart working on a research project in Samoa.
Stan Hart working on a research project in Samoa.
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Workman, Rhea
Stan Hart working on a research project in Samoa.
Still Image
Date is approximate.
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 44, No. 1, Pg. 32:
Geochemist Stan Hart.
Hart elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 42, No. 2, pg. 10:
Stan Hart was born and raised in Lynn, Mass., a liability mitigated by living on the border of Lynn Woods, a many-square-mile tract of forest, granite ledges, and a pristine lake (the town water supply). Though prohibited, fishing in this water became an early passion; incessant roaming in the woods was permitted both by parents and town law. Undergraduate years were spent commuting to MIT, rock climbing the cliffs of New Hampshire, four-event skiing with the MIT Ski Team, and working summers in the Appalachian Mountain Club hut system. These outdoor leanings led to a switch of major from chemistry to geology (the first course in organic chemistry helped). A wonderfully stimulating year at Cal Tech, a master’s degree in geochemistry, and daughter No. 1 cemented Stan’s career path. He was wooed back to the gentility of MIT for a Ph.D., followed by a postdoc (and 14 more years!) at the Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington. Hart was called back to MIT for the retirement of his Ph.D. advisor, and he professored there for 14 years before opting for the more rural life of Falmouth for daughter No. 2 and son No. 1. He passed the 15-year mark at WHOI in 2004, and his climbing and skiing fervors have morphed into an addiction for running. His predispositions for travel and research are being satisfied by intensive study of the many volcanoes of Samoa (the youngest of which is still under water, and in active eruption).
Photo by Rhea Workman
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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