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Steve Murphy working for Bob Pickart off the Greenland coast.

Steve Murphy working for Bob Pickart off the Greenland coast.
Steve Murphy working for Bob Pickart off the Greenland coast.
Steve Murphy working for Bob Pickart off the Greenland coast.
Steve Murphy working for Bob Pickart off the Greenland coast.
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Fletcher, Rachel
Steve Murphy working for Bob Pickart off the Greenland coast.
Still Image
Image of The Day caption:
WHOI technician Steve Murphy prepares a mooring to be lifted off the deck of the British icebreaker James Clark Ross into the water in August. Murphy was part in one of several annual cruises led by physical oceanographer Bob Pickart to study the movement of water through the Denmark Strait. The deep water that flows through the strait forms a large fraction of the lower portion of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or Great Ocean Conveyor, which is crucial for maintaining Earth's climate. The team on this year's cruise recovered 14 moorings and deployed ten more.
Photo by Rachel Fletcher
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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