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Bow of Healy going through ice on Hanna Shoal.

Bow of Healy going through ice on Hanna Shoal.
Bow of Healy going through ice on Hanna Shoal.
Bow of  Healy going through ice on Hanna Shoal.
Bow of  Healy going through ice on Hanna Shoal.
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Ashjian, Carin
Bow of Healy going through ice on Hanna Shoal.
Still Image
In the northern Chukchi Sea, in August 2012 during Carin Ashjian's work there is part of the BOEM sponsored Hanna Shoal study. The ice was very thin and soft. Already this year sea ice cover in the Arctic Ocean is lower than the record minimum observed in 2007 and the melt season is not yet
Image of The Day caption:
In August 2012, the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy sailed through unusually light sea ice across Hanna Shoal in the norhtern Chukchi Sea. The cruise was the first in the Hanna Shoal COMIDA project sponsored by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to document chemical, physical and biological characteristics such as circulation and ice conditions in this highly productive part of the ocean. Hanna Shoal is just adjacent to, and downstream from, several of the Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease areas, and the project will also examine levels of contaminants in already present in sediment and benthic organisms prior to the start of drilling.
Photo by Carin Ashjian
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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