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Brian Hogue working on a Nobska MAVS current meter in the lab.

Brian Hogue working on a Nobska MAVS current meter in the lab.
Brian Hogue working on a Nobska MAVS current meter in the lab.
Brian Hogue working on a Nobska MAVS current meter in the lab.
Brian Hogue working on a Nobska MAVS current meter in the lab.
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Kleindist, Thomas N.
Brian Hogue working on a Nobska MAVS current meter in the lab.
Still Image
Image Of the Day caption:
WHOI engineer Brian Hogue assembles a new aluminum frame around a Nobska MAVS-4 acoustic current meter. The frame helps to minimize turbulence around the current meter once it is installed underwater on an ocean research mooring. This particular frame and current meter were deployed in the ocean near Antarctica by a research team including WHOI physical oceanographer Kurt Polzin. The team is studying the circulation patterns of Antarctic Bottom Water in the Southern Oceans Orkney Passage.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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