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New Alvin battery is lowered into hold on Atlantis for a test fit.

New Alvin battery is lowered into hold on Atlantis for a test fit.
New Alvin battery is lowered into hold on Atlantis for a test fit.
New Alvin battery is lowered into hold on Atlantis for a test fit.
New Alvin battery is lowered into hold on Atlantis for a test fit.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
New Alvin battery is lowered into hold on Atlantis for a test fit.
Still Image
Alvin frame was put on R/V Atlantis and the batteries were tested to see how well they fit.
Image Of the Day caption:
WHOI engineers Chris Lathan (left) and Drew Smith (right) use a hydraulic lift on R/V Atlantis to raise one of the batteries that powers the human-occupied submersible Alvin from a storage bay to the sub's storage hangar. Each battery weighs about 2,700 pounds in air (a little less in water). Alvin recently completed Phase I of a comprehensive overhaul and upgrade that will eventually permit the sub to reach 6500 meters depth, well below its current dive rating of 4500 meters. The main technological challenge that needs to be overcome is finding a safe and cost-effective replacement for the lead-acid batteries being used.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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