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Southwestern exterior view of completed LOSOS facility.

Southwestern exterior view of completed LOSOS facility.
Southwestern exterior view of completed LOSOS facility.
Southwestern exterior view of completed LOSOS facility.
Southwestern exterior view of completed LOSOS facility.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
Southwestern exterior view of completed LOSOS facility.
Still Image
Image of The Day caption:
In August, scientists and engineers began moving into the new 26,000-square-foot Laboratory for Ocean Sensors and Observing Systems building on WHOI's Quisset campus. The facility contains lab and office spaces for several large projects, including instrumentation in support of marine geology and seismology research, operations sustaining an underwater research facility near Martha's Vineyard, and the Ocean Observatories Initiative, which provides ocean monitoring throughout the world. The building also houses the Environmental Sample Processor lab, which uses instruments to track and detect marine organisms and send information to scientists on shore in near real time.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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