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Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales in boxes at the NOAA warehouse.

Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales in boxes at the NOAA warehouse.
Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales in boxes at the NOAA warehouse.
Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales in boxes at the NOAA warehouse.
Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales in boxes at the NOAA warehouse.
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Cojanu, Daniel
Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales in boxes at the NOAA warehouse.
Still Image
Caption from Oceanus online article header image:
WHOI biologist Joel Llopiz examines haddock scales preserved since the 1930s to unravel changes in the ecosystem of Georges Bank, one of the world's most productive fisheries.
Photo by Daniel Cojanu
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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