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The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate.

The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate.
The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate.
The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate.
The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate.
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Peucker-Ehrenbrink, Bernhard
The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate.
Still Image
The Fraser River rapids at Hell's Gate, B.C. At average flow such as shown here about twice the water volume of the Niagara Falls pass through these narrows. Note the fish ladders on the right that were installed in the 1940s to help salmon pass these rapids to more easily reach the upstream spawning grounds.
Image of The Day caption:
At Hell's Gate in British Columbia, the Fraser River flows with roughly twice the water volume of the Niagara Falls. A team of scientists and students from WHOI and the University of the Fraser Valley recently returned from a three-week trip to study the source, movement, age, and composition of organic carbon transported by the Fraser to the Pacific. Rivers are a critical link between carbon removed from the atmosphere by land plants and its eventual sequestration in the global ocean. The work is part of the Woods Hole Global Rivers Project.
Photo by Bernhard Peucker-Ehrenbrink
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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