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Ken Feldman and Bruce Strickrott on Alvin as she surfaces. Atlantis in background.

Ken Feldman and Bruce Strickrott on Alvin as she surfaces. Atlantis in background.
Ken Feldman and Bruce Strickrott on Alvin as she surfaces. Atlantis in background.
Ken Feldman and Bruce Strickrott on Alvin as she surfaces. Atlantis in background.
Ken Feldman and Bruce Strickrott on Alvin as she surfaces. Atlantis in background.
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Nevala, Amy
Ken Feldman and Bruce Strickrott on Alvin as she surfaces. Atlantis in background.
Still Image
Dive and Discover Expedition 9, Return to the Galapagos Rift.
Image of The Day caption:
The submersible Alvin surfaces after a dive as support vessel Atlantis moves into position for recovery. A typical dive is 8-10 hours. Alvin has made more than 4,000 dives since 1964.
Photo by Amy Nevala
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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