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Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay.
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Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay.
Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay.
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McIntyre-Wressnig, Anna
Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay.
Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay.
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Image of The Day caption: Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay, Australia. Blue pools are small bodies of water that are much more salty than seawater. Below a few feet deep, they lack oxygen, and the water and sediments in them have a high concentration of sulfides, which are toxic for most organisms (and which give the pools a rotten-egg smell). Geobiologist Joan Bernhard (second from left) and biologist Virginia Edgcomb (third from left) of WHOI, with Roger Summons (in water) of MIT and other co-workers, were looking for novel eukaryotes species new to science living in this very strange habitat. Join us Nov. 22 , when Edgcomb and Bernhard lead a Dive & Discover cruise to look for eukaryotes in another extreme habitat, the Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins of the Mediterranean Sea. Microbial mats are conspicuous components of many benthic marine and aquatic settings. A subset of these microbial mats binds sediments to form potentially fossilizable structures, often called stromatolites or microbialites. While much is known about microbialite autotrophs, little is known about their heterotrophic eukaryotes. The lack of understanding is surprising given that stromatolites have an extensive geologic record spanning most of Earths history. Stromatolites are layered sedimentary structures formed by a combination of microbial activities, abiotic carbonate precipitation, and sedimentary processes. Details of stromatolite formation and preservation are poorly understood, and a drastic decline in stromatolite occurrence and diversity in the late Precambrian has long been a conundrum. A popular hypothesis to explain this decline at ~1 billion years ago is that eukaryotic organisms evolved to become predators on stromatolites. To date, the most commonly proposed predatory culprit is an unidentified metazoan, although evidence of such an organism is lacking from the fossil record. Protists, most of which are not expected to leave an obvious fossil record, are additional possible stromatolitic predators, but they have been largely ignored in this context. In light of preliminary results, we hypothesize that (1) Heterotrophic protist activity caused the textural change from stromatolites (layered sediment fabric) to thrombolites (clotted sediment fabric) and (2) Heterotrophic protists caused the decimation of Neoproterozoic stromatolites. It is impossible to recreate the Neoproterozoic, so studies of modern analogs must serve to indirectly test our hypotheses. The overall goal of this project is to describe the eukaryotic communities associated with modern stromatolites and thrombolites from the Bahamas and Australia, compare the communities from the two sites, and to relate the communities to stromatolitic / thrombolitic sediment fabric and biomarker signatures. The overall goal will be achieved by addressing the following specific aims: (1) Identify, via morphologic and molecular approaches, the eukaryotic community of modern stromatolites and thrombolites; (2) Analyze modern and fossil stromatolites and thrombolites for their eukaryotic lipid biomarkers using solvent extraction, chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods; (3) Using the Fluorescently Labeled Embedded Core (FLEC) method, document the sub-millimeter distributions of the heterotrophic eukaryotic community inhabiting modern stromatolites and thrombolites in conjunction with fine-scale sediment fabric; (4) Using solvent extraction, chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods, analyze cultures of allogromiid foraminifers to survey for lipid biomarkers unique to them; (5) After incubation of modern stromatolites with heterotrophic protists, use FLEC methodology to determine how their activity affects sediment fabric and conduct preliminary comparisons of these modern fabrics to those of stromatolite fossils. Intellectual Merit: The oldest fossil stromatolites are >3.4 billion years old and are the most visible manifestations of pervasive microbial life on the early Earth. The changes in stromatolite abundance and morphology document complex interplays between biological and geological processes. This project addresses multiple aspects of stromatolite genesis and pre-fossilization alteration but, at its core, focuses on one of the greatest geological enigmas: the possible connection between stromatolite decline and the rise of complex life.
Image of The Day caption:
Researchers gather samples of mud from a blue pool near the edge of Shark Bay, Australia. Blue pools are small bodies of water that are much more salty than seawater. Below a few feet deep, they lack oxygen, and the water and sediments in them have a high concentration of sulfides, which are toxic for most organisms (and which give the pools a rotten-egg smell). Geobiologist Joan Bernhard (second from left) and biologist Virginia Edgcomb (third from left) of WHOI, with Roger Summons (in water) of MIT and other co-workers, were looking for novel eukaryotes species new to science living in this very strange habitat. Join us Nov. 22 , when Edgcomb and Bernhard lead a Dive & Discover cruise to look for eukaryotes in another extreme habitat, the Deep Hypersaline Anoxic Basins of the Mediterranean Sea.
Microbial mats are conspicuous components of many benthic marine and aquatic settings. A subset of these microbial mats binds sediments to form potentially fossilizable structures, often called stromatolites or microbialites. While much is known about microbialite autotrophs, little is known about their heterotrophic eukaryotes. The lack of understanding is surprising given that stromatolites have an extensive geologic record spanning most of Earths history. Stromatolites are layered sedimentary structures formed by a combination of microbial activities, abiotic carbonate precipitation, and sedimentary processes. Details of stromatolite formation and preservation are poorly understood, and a drastic decline in stromatolite occurrence and diversity in the late Precambrian has long been a conundrum. A popular hypothesis to explain this decline at ~1 billion years ago is that eukaryotic organisms evolved to become predators on stromatolites. To date, the most commonly proposed predatory culprit is an unidentified metazoan, although evidence of such an organism is lacking from the fossil record. Protists, most of which are not expected to leave an obvious fossil record, are additional possible stromatolitic predators, but they have been largely ignored in this context. In light of preliminary results, we hypothesize that (1) Heterotrophic protist activity caused the textural change from stromatolites (layered sediment fabric) to thrombolites (clotted sediment fabric) and (2) Heterotrophic protists caused the decimation of Neoproterozoic stromatolites. It is impossible to recreate the Neoproterozoic, so studies of modern analogs must serve to indirectly test our hypotheses. The overall goal of this project is to describe the eukaryotic communities associated with modern stromatolites and thrombolites from the Bahamas and Australia, compare the communities from the two sites, and to relate the communities to stromatolitic / thrombolitic sediment fabric and biomarker signatures. The overall goal will be achieved by addressing the following specific aims: (1) Identify, via morphologic and molecular approaches, the eukaryotic community of modern stromatolites and thrombolites; (2) Analyze modern and fossil stromatolites and thrombolites for their eukaryotic lipid biomarkers using solvent extraction, chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods; (3) Using the Fluorescently Labeled Embedded Core (FLEC) method, document the sub-millimeter distributions of the heterotrophic eukaryotic community inhabiting modern stromatolites and thrombolites in conjunction with fine-scale sediment fabric; (4) Using solvent extraction, chromatographic and mass spectrometric methods, analyze cultures of allogromiid foraminifers to survey for lipid biomarkers unique to them; (5) After incubation of modern stromatolites with heterotrophic protists, use FLEC methodology to determine how their activity affects sediment fabric and conduct preliminary comparisons of these modern fabrics to those of stromatolite fossils.
Intellectual Merit: The oldest fossil stromatolites are >3.4 billion years old and are the most visible manifestations of pervasive microbial life on the early Earth. The changes in stromatolite abundance and morphology document complex interplays between biological and geological processes. This project addresses multiple aspects of stromatolite genesis and pre-fossilization alteration but, at its core, focuses on one of the greatest geological enigmas: the possible connection between stromatolite decline and the rise of complex life.
Credit line
© Shane Gross/Greenpeace
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Adinah Barnett
Adobe Farmhouse Photography
Alamy Stock Photo
Courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Illustration by Eric S. Taylor, WHOI Creative
Illustration by Jack Cook
Illustration by Jayne Doucette
Illustration by Natalie Renier, WHOI Creative
Marine Imaging Technologies, LLC © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Photo by Amy Apprill
Photo by Craig LaPlante
Photo by Daniel Hentz
Photo by Danielle Fino
Photo by Darlene Trew Crist
Photo by Elise Hugus
Photo by Hannah Piecuch
Photo by Jayne Doucette
Photo by Katherine Spencer Joyce
Photo by Ken Kostel
Photo by Marley L. Parker
Photo by Matthew Barton
Photo by ML Parker
Photo by Rachel Mann
Photo by Rebecca Travis
Photo by Sean Patrick Whelan
Photo by Tina Thomas
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
Photo by Véronique LaCapra
Photo courtesy of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Archives
Photographie : @alexis.rosenfeld
ROV SuBastian / Schmidt Ocean In
Video by Craig LaPlante
Video by Danielle Fino
Video by Hannah Piecuch
Video by Jayne Doucette
Video by Ken Kostel
Video by Matthew Barton
WHOI Creative © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
-- Other --
Photo courtesy of Anna McIntyre-Wressnig
Copyright statement
© Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego
© 2021 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, all rights reserved
© 2023 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, all rights reserved
© Alexis Rosenfeld
© Bearwalk Cinema
© C. A. Linder
© Cape Cod Times
© Consortium for Ocean Leadership
© Daniel P. Zitterbart
© Figure 8 Studio
© Luis Lamar
© Mote Marine Laboratory
© National Aeronautics and Space Administration
© National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
© Shane Gross/Greenpeace
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2012 Backyard Productions LLC
2018 - The Boston Globe
Alan Chung © 2022
Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Michael Gutsche (CC-BY 4.0)
Amy Van Cise/www.cascadiaresearch.org
Art Wager
Aurora Lampson
Austin Greene Photography
Avatar Alliance Foundation
bjoernkils@gmail.com +1.732.586.7394 www.NewYorkMediaBoat.com
Caiger_173_March 17, 2019.CR2: Paul Caiger
CC BY-SA Troy Sankey
Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA)
Copyright (c) 2012 Vanderhaegen Bart
Copyright © 2010 David M. Lawrence
Copyright 2002
Copyright 2007 Jeff Yonover
Copyright 2019 to Nick Valentine
Copyright Jim Stringer
Copyright: Jenouvrier - WHOI
Copyright: Peter Kimball
Credit: Universal Images Group North America LLC / Alamy Stock Photo
Croy Carlin
Dee Sullivan
Franz Mahr
Hasselblad H6D
Henley Spiers
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Deep Connections 2019.
Jeff Yonover 2015
Lewis Burnett
Luis Lamar
Marley Parker/WHOI
Martin Schiller http://martin-schiller.de
NautilusLive/Ocean Exploration Trust
Paul Caiger
Photo by Chris Linder, WHOI
Rachael Talibart 2016
Robert E. Todd
roger fishman 2019
SP Whelan
Thomas A D Slager
Tom Shlesinger
UnderCurrent Productions
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Vislyy's images
WHOI 2005
WHOI/ML Parker
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
Woods Hole Oceaongraphic Institution
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© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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2011-08-05 00:00:00
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etaylor: Janet Fields kjoyce: dev website kkostel: ska presentation kjoyce: whoi.edu kjoyce: whoi.edu jdoucette: Image of The Day, 09/23/2011
etaylor: Janet Fields
kjoyce: dev website
kkostel: ska presentation
kjoyce: whoi.edu
kjoyce: whoi.edu
jdoucette: Image of The Day, 09/23/2011
Bernhard, Joan M
Edgcomb, Virginia P.
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