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Chris German ad Matt Barton at the TREET observing station.

Chris German ad Matt Barton at the TREET observing station.
Chris German ad Matt Barton at the TREET observing station.
Chris German ad Matt Barton at the TREET observing station.
Chris German ad Matt Barton at the TREET observing station.
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Kostel, Kenneth
Chris German ad Matt Barton at the TREET observing station.
Still Image
The station is located in the Coleman and Susan Burke Operations Room in LOSOS.
Image Of the Day caption:
Ocean science and exploration is increasingly reliant on live video streaming from research vessels at sea to incorporate larger, more interdisciplinary teams of scientists and to make more research opportunities available to graduate and undergraduate students. Interactions via video link between ship and shore are complicated by questions of individual and group dynamics. These social nuances are the focus of recent research by WHOI senior scientist Chris German (foreground), shown here with media specialist Matthew Barton preparing video equipment in the Coleman and Susan Burke Operations Room to live-stream video from a remotely operated vehicle working on the seafloor.
Photo by Ken Kostel
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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