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Rob Reves-Sohn working out on a punching bag.

Rob Reves-Sohn working out on a punching bag.
Rob Reves-Sohn working out on a punching bag.
Rob Reves-Sohn working out on a punching bag.
Rob Reves-Sohn working out on a punching bag.
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Linder, Christopher
Rob Reves-Sohn working out on a punching bag.
Still Image
After a week of round-the-clock scientific activities, the ship's transit to a new site gave scientists a moment to catch up on sleep, find time to do long overdue laundry, or perhaps get rid of some stress in the ship's exercise room by using the rowing machine or, as chief scientist Rob Reves-Sohn opted, the punching bag.
Photo by Chris Linder
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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