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A collection of magnified forams (fosiilized shells). Foraminifera.

A collection of magnified forams (fosiilized shells). Foraminifera.
A collection of magnified forams (fosiilized shells). Foraminifera.
A collection of magnified forams (fosiilized shells). Foraminifera.
A collection of magnified forams (fosiilized shells). Foraminifera.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
A collection of magnified forams (fosiilized shells). Foraminifera.
Still Image
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 47, No. 1, Pg. 9:
Chemical clues in tiny shells. Seafloor sediments are full of fossilized shells, magnified here under a microscope.
Image of The Day caption:
Seafloor sediments are full of tiny, lovely shells of single-celled ocean organisms that lived, died, and sank to the ocean bottom, building up in layers over the ages. The fossil shells (seen under a microscope) contain chemical clues to the ocean temperature and rainfall where and when the cells lived. Joint Program graduate student Fern Gibbons studies the shells to learn about patterns of monsoons in the Indian Ocean during thousands of years, part of WHOI research on past ocean climate.
Image of The Day caption (2010):
These fossilized, seafloor shells--seen under a microscope--are part of WHOI research to learn more about past ocean climate. The tiny shells of single-cell organisms that died and sank to the ocean bottom contain chemical clues to water temperature and rainfall in that area of the ocean. Joint Program graduate student Fern Gibbons studies the shells--which build up in layers over thousands of years-- to learn about the monsoon patterns in the Indian Ocean.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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