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John Collins, Beecher Wooding and Bob Detrick in OBS lab.

John Collins, Beecher Wooding and Bob Detrick in OBS lab.
John Collins, Beecher Wooding and Bob Detrick in OBS lab.
John Collins, Beecher Wooding and Bob Detrick in OBS lab.
John Collins, Beecher Wooding and Bob Detrick in OBS lab.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
John Collins, Beecher Wooding and Bob Detrick in OBS lab.
Still Image
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 42, No. 2, Pg. 12:
Bob Detrick, a marine geophysicist, became Vice President for Marine Facilities and Operations at WHOI in 2004. As a young boy, Detrick’s family vacations to Colorado from his hometown of Pittsburgh sparked a lifelong interest in geology and a love of mountains and world travel. In 1970 he came to Woods Hole as a Summer Student Fellow and was captivated by the adventure and challenge of studying the geology of the seafloor. As first a Joint Program Student and later as a scientific staff member, Detrick has spent nearly 20 years at WHOI and participated in more than 30 different oceanographic research cruises. His research interests encompass marine seismology, ocean crustal structure and tectonics, especially along mid-ocean ridges, and mantle dynamics. In his new position, Detrick will be responsible for developing and implementing a strategy for integrating WHOI ships, vehicle systems (manned submersible, remotely operated vehicles, and autonomous underwater vehicles) and ocean observatories to provide researchers at WHOI with unmatched access to the sea.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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