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Michael Moore field testing his whale tail harness system.

Michael Moore field testing his whale tail harness system.
Michael Moore field testing his whale tail harness system.
Michael Moore field testing his whale tail harness system.
Michael Moore field testing his whale tail harness system.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
Michael Moore field testing his whale tail harness system.
Still Image
graphics/M_Moor_whale_harness /DSC_1842.jpg
Image of The Day caption:
WHOI Marine mammal biologist and veterinarian Michael Moore has developed numerous techniques for working with whales from small open boats, including mechanisms for delivering medicines to whales. This spring in the Sacramento River Delta (California) he aided in the first delivery of antibiotics to free-swimming wild whales, using a device he is developing.
Michael Moore and team working in Marion harbor, MA with a prototype whale tail harness system. The harness system was designed by Jeremy Winn and Becky Woodward from the University of Maine, Orono - shown in the photos. The replica whale tail is stored at the Exhibit Center when not in use.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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