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Research team on ice being greeted by pengins.

Research team on ice being greeted by pengins.
Research team on ice being greeted by pengins.
Research team on ice being greeted by pengins.
Research team on ice being greeted by pengins.
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Worrilow, Scott E.
Research team on ice being greeted by pengins.
Still Image
Image of The Day caption:
A trio of Emperor penguins appear to inspect a sled full of equipment during an Antarctic expedition in January. The team of researchers, led by Stan Jacobs of Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, are trying to understand how increasing ocean temperatures triggered by a warming climate may affect the melting of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) and global sea-level rise. Among the team is WHOI Senior Engineering Assistant Scott Worrilow, who joined the expedition at the last minute when another team member became ill. Scott had the necessary medical clearance to make the trip, as well as more than 30 years' experience to oversee the expedition's mooring operations.
Photo by Scott Worrilow
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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