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Ian Hanley rigging a CTD rosette for deployment on R/V Tioga.

Ian Hanley rigging a CTD rosette for deployment on R/V Tioga.
Ian Hanley rigging a CTD rosette for deployment on R/V Tioga.
Ian Hanley rigging a CTD rosette for deployment on R/V Tioga.
Ian Hanley rigging a CTD rosette for deployment on R/V Tioga.
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Nevala, Amy
Ian Hanley rigging a CTD rosette for deployment on R/V Tioga.
Still Image
During attempted right whale tagging off Georges Banks with Mark Baumgartner. Hanley works on deck and with CTD.
Image of The Day caption:
Deck hand Ian Hanley secures equipment on R/V Tioga during attempted right whale tagging off Georges Bank with biologist Mark Baumgartner.
Photo by Amy Nevala
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
This work was permitted by the Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Mark Baumgartner must be consulted before any use of these images.
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