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Rudy Zarudzki, Val Wilson and Marvin McCamis with swordfish that attacked Alvin.

Rudy Zarudzki, Val Wilson and Marvin McCamis with swordfish that attacked Alvin.
Rudy Zarudzki, Val Wilson and Marvin McCamis with swordfish that attacked Alvin.
Rudy Zarudzki, Val Wilson and Marvin McCamis with swordfish that attacked Alvin.
Rudy Zarudzki, Val Wilson and Marvin McCamis with swordfish that attacked Alvin.
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Rudy Zarudzki, Val Wilson and Marvin McCamis with swordfish that attacked Alvin.
Still Image
archives/alvin dive 202/alv-679a.tif
Alvin dive 202 to the Blake Plateau. McCamis was pilot, Wilson was observer, and Zarudski was chief scientist.
Photo courtesy of WHOI Archives
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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