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Schematic depicting envisioned climate monitoring ocean observatory.

Schematic depicting envisioned climate monitoring ocean observatory.
Schematic depicting envisioned climate monitoring ocean observatory.
Schematic depicting envisioned climate monitoring ocean observatory.
Schematic depicting envisioned climate monitoring ocean observatory.
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Doucette, Jayne H.
Schematic depicting envisioned climate monitoring ocean observatory.
Huang-Yang schematic.jpg
Date is approximate.
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 39, No. 2, Pg. 36:
The authors envision a forecasting center that would receive near-real-time data from a variety of sources by satellite transmission for constant updating of ocean climate models. The data sources might include those shown here. The surface mooring transmits meteorological data as well as information from the string of instruments below it. Slocum, described on page 6, surfaces once a week or so at the top of its trajectory to transmit temperature and salinity records from ocean depths, and SeaSoar data on a variety of upper ocean characteristics is beamed from the ship. Data collected by satellites would include sea surface elevation, wind stress, temperature, and perhaps salinity.
Illustration by Jayne Doucette
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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