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WHOI arrival of Atlantis II after cruise 93.

WHOI arrival of Atlantis II after cruise 93.
WHOI arrival of Atlantis II after cruise 93.
WHOI arrival of Atlantis II after cruise 93.
WHOI arrival of Atlantis II after cruise 93.
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Medeiros, Frank
WHOI arrival of Atlantis II after cruise 93.
Still Image
The ATLANTIS II arrived in Woods Hole May 21, ending the longest cruise ever made by an Institution ship. During Voyage 93 she was away from home for 18 months and steamed approximately 79,891 nautical miles.
Image Of the Day caption:
Friends and family welcome the R/V Atlantis II back to Woods Hole in May 1977, upon completion of the longest voyage, by miles, ever made by a WHOI ship until that time. The ship steamed 79,891 nautical miles while away for over a year and a half on Cruise 93. According to historic cruise reports, its ports of call included Brazil, South Africa, Mauritius, Kenya, Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and Malta. In 1996, the R/V Atlantis II was decommissioned after sailing more than a million miles around the world.
Photo courtesy of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Archives
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Image is from AC-43, Records of Graphics Services and Publications.
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