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An IGT sampling a black smoker chimney at a hydrothermal vent field.
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An IGT sampling a black smoker chimney at a hydrothermal vent field.
An IGT sampling a black smoker chimney at a hydrothermal vent field.
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German, Chris
An IGT sampling a black smoker chimney at a hydrothermal vent field.
An IGT sampling a black smoker chimney at a hydrothermal vent field.
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Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 55, No. 1, Pg. 7: The manipulator arm of the remotely operated vehicle Jason samples a stream of fluid from a hydrothermal vent. The fluid contains gases that are in liquid form because of the high pressure of the deep ocean. R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-16, ROV Jason images. Cruise intentions are to characterize the geology, geochemistry, microbiology and macrobiology of two new hydrothermal fields on the Mid-Cayman Rise: The Piccard hydrothermal field at ~5000m depth near 18° 33" N, 81° 43" W and the Von Damm hydrothermal field at ~2300m depth near 18° 23" N, 81° 48" W. Image Of the Day (08/20/2012) caption: During an "Oasis" cruise to the Mid-Cayman Rise in January 2012, the manipulator arm of the remotely operated vehicle Jason placed the intake tube of an isobaric gas-tight sampler (IGTS) into the stream of fluid gushing out of a hydrothermal vent. The fluid contains gases that are in liquid form because of the high pressure of the deep ocean. In the past, bringing such samples to the surface resulted in loss of the gaseous portion. WHOI scientists and engineers developed the IGTS to keep samples of vent fluid at high pressure until they can be brought to a lab for analysis. WHOI geologist Chris German led the expedition, which visited the deepest known hydrothermal vents in the world. Oceanus Vol. 49, no. 3, December 2012 caption: West of the Cayman Islands, three miles deep on the Caribbean seafloor, hydrothermal vents provide oases for communities of life that thrive under high-pressure conditions, without light or oxygen. Hot, chemical-rich fluids gush like geysers from vents; microbes extract energy from the chemicals to grow and provide the base of a food chain that includes shrimp, anemones, starfish, crabs, and fish. In 2012, WHOI scientist Chris German led an expedition returning to explore vents on the Mid-Cayman Rise. Discovered in 2009, these vents are the deepest known, and, with fluids above 400°C (750°F), among the hottest. They also spew from rocks not typically found in seafloor crust, with a typical mineral composition that alters the vent fluids chemistry. Under similar conditions, life on Earth may have originated and life on other planets and moons may also exist. Thus, the Mid-Cayman vents offer a natural laboratory to learn how life evolved on Earth and where to search for life elsewhere in the solar system. WHOI researchers used the remotely operated vehicle Jason to map the vents with sonar and gather samples of microbes, organisms, and rocks. At left, Jason pilots use the robots manipulator arm to deploy a specially made device to collect vent fluids and maintain them under high pressure. Image Of the Day (12/27/2013) caption: The slender snorkel of an Isobaric Gas-Tight sampler (IGT) draws a sample of hydrothermal fluids spewing out of a hydrothermal vent chimney as the mechanical arm of remotely operated vehicle Jason holds it steady. IGTs and Jason will soon be working together at a vent field on the East Pacific Rise, on a cruise led by microbiologist Stefan Sievert and marine chemist Jeff Seewald, who helped design the IGT. They will be sampling the fluids that flow diffusely out of the seafloor near vent chimneys. Diffuse flow is where most microbial chemosynthesis occurs in vent ecosystems.
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 55, No. 1, Pg. 7:
The manipulator arm of the remotely operated vehicle Jason samples a stream of fluid from a hydrothermal vent. The fluid contains gases that are in liquid form because of the high pressure of the deep ocean.
R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-16, ROV Jason images.
Cruise intentions are to characterize the geology, geochemistry, microbiology and macrobiology of two new hydrothermal fields on the Mid-Cayman Rise: The Piccard hydrothermal field at ~5000m depth near 18° 33" N, 81° 43" W and the Von Damm hydrothermal field at ~2300m depth near 18° 23" N, 81° 48" W.
Image Of the Day (08/20/2012) caption:
During an "Oasis" cruise to the Mid-Cayman Rise in January 2012, the manipulator arm of the remotely operated vehicle Jason placed the intake tube of an isobaric gas-tight sampler (IGTS) into the stream of fluid gushing out of a hydrothermal vent. The fluid contains gases that are in liquid form because of the high pressure of the deep ocean. In the past, bringing such samples to the surface resulted in loss of the gaseous portion. WHOI scientists and engineers developed the IGTS to keep samples of vent fluid at high pressure until they can be brought to a lab for analysis. WHOI geologist Chris German led the expedition, which visited the deepest known hydrothermal vents in the world.
Oceanus Vol. 49, no. 3, December 2012 caption:
West of the Cayman Islands, three miles deep on the Caribbean seafloor, hydrothermal vents provide oases for communities of life that thrive under high-pressure conditions, without light or oxygen. Hot, chemical-rich fluids gush like geysers from vents; microbes extract energy from the chemicals to grow and provide the base of a food chain that includes shrimp, anemones, starfish, crabs, and fish. In 2012, WHOI scientist Chris German led an expedition returning to explore vents on the Mid-Cayman Rise. Discovered in 2009, these vents are the deepest known, and, with fluids above 400°C (750°F), among the hottest. They also spew from rocks not typically found in seafloor crust, with a typical mineral composition that alters the vent fluids chemistry. Under similar conditions, life on Earth may have originated and life on other planets and moons may also exist. Thus, the Mid-Cayman vents offer a natural laboratory to learn how life evolved on Earth and where to search for life elsewhere in the solar system. WHOI researchers used the remotely operated vehicle Jason to map the vents with sonar and gather samples of microbes, organisms, and rocks. At left, Jason pilots use the robots manipulator arm to deploy a specially made device to collect vent fluids and maintain them under high pressure.
Image Of the Day (12/27/2013) caption:
The slender snorkel of an Isobaric Gas-Tight sampler (IGT) draws a sample of hydrothermal fluids spewing out of a hydrothermal vent chimney as the mechanical arm of remotely operated vehicle Jason holds it steady. IGTs and Jason will soon be working together at a vent field on the East Pacific Rise, on a cruise led by microbiologist Stefan Sievert and marine chemist Jeff Seewald, who helped design the IGT. They will be sampling the fluids that flow diffusely out of the seafloor near vent chimneys. Diffuse flow is where most microbial chemosynthesis occurs in vent ecosystems.
Credit line
© Shane Gross/Greenpeace
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Adinah Barnett
Adobe Farmhouse Photography
Alamy Stock Photo
Courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Getty Images/iStockphoto
Illustration by Eric S. Taylor, WHOI Creative
Illustration by Jack Cook
Illustration by Jayne Doucette
Illustration by Natalie Renier, WHOI Creative
Marine Imaging Technologies, LLC © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Photo by Amy Apprill
Photo by Craig LaPlante
Photo by Daniel Hentz
Photo by Danielle Fino
Photo by Darlene Trew Crist
Photo by Elise Hugus
Photo by Hannah Piecuch
Photo by Jayne Doucette
Photo by Katherine Spencer Joyce
Photo by Ken Kostel
Photo by Marley L. Parker
Photo by Matthew Barton
Photo by ML Parker
Photo by Rachel Mann
Photo by Rebecca Travis
Photo by Sean Patrick Whelan
Photo by Tina Thomas
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
Photo by Véronique LaCapra
Photo courtesy of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Archives
Photographie : @alexis.rosenfeld
ROV SuBastian / Schmidt Ocean In
Video by Craig LaPlante
Video by Danielle Fino
Video by Hannah Piecuch
Video by Jayne Doucette
Video by Ken Kostel
Video by Matthew Barton
WHOI Creative © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
-- Other --
Photo courtesy of Chris German, WHOI/NSF, NASA/ROV Jason 2012, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Copyright statement
© Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego
© 2021 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, all rights reserved
© 2023 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, all rights reserved
© Alexis Rosenfeld
© Bearwalk Cinema
© C. A. Linder
© Cape Cod Times
© Consortium for Ocean Leadership
© Daniel P. Zitterbart
© Figure 8 Studio
© Luis Lamar
© Mote Marine Laboratory
© National Aeronautics and Space Administration
© National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
© Shane Gross/Greenpeace
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
2012 Backyard Productions LLC
2018 - The Boston Globe
Alan Chung © 2022
Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Michael Gutsche (CC-BY 4.0)
Amy Van Cise/www.cascadiaresearch.org
Art Wager
Aurora Lampson
Austin Greene Photography
Avatar Alliance Foundation
bjoernkils@gmail.com +1.732.586.7394 www.NewYorkMediaBoat.com
Caiger_173_March 17, 2019.CR2: Paul Caiger
CC BY-SA Troy Sankey
Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA)
Copyright (c) 2012 Vanderhaegen Bart
Copyright © 2010 David M. Lawrence
Copyright 2002
Copyright 2007 Jeff Yonover
Copyright 2019 to Nick Valentine
Copyright Jim Stringer
Copyright: Jenouvrier - WHOI
Copyright: Peter Kimball
Credit: Universal Images Group North America LLC / Alamy Stock Photo
Croy Carlin
Dee Sullivan
Franz Mahr
Hasselblad H6D
Henley Spiers
Image courtesy of NOAA Ocean Exploration, Deep Connections 2019.
Jeff Yonover 2015
Lewis Burnett
Luis Lamar
Marley Parker/WHOI
Martin Schiller http://martin-schiller.de
NautilusLive/Ocean Exploration Trust
Paul Caiger
Photo by Chris Linder, WHOI
Rachael Talibart 2016
Robert E. Todd
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SP Whelan
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Tom Shlesinger
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© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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2012-05-30 00:00:00
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etaylor: Oceanus magazine, Vol. 55, No. 1, Pg. 7 kkostel: Science Stroll poster atarantino: 2018 UI presentation efitzpatrick: german magazine dfino: whoi.edu jdoucette: Kim G. and Rob M. efitzpatrick: Muy Interesante magazine kjoyce: oi brochure kgrodzki: v kgrodzki: Munier speech samurphy: press release mkurz: presentation samurphy: press release kjoyce: vent project dpandya: for mit whoi jp website. keident: Possible use OI report. efitzpatrick: museum jdoucette: Image Of the Day, 12/27/2013 efitzpatrick: D&D discover by David levin shumphris: Presentation atarantino: Dalio presentation dfino: avery presentation jiafrate: Cameron invite 2013 acaracappaqubeck: Oceanus vol. 49, no. 3 clinder: Ocean Robots efitzpatrick: news piece efitzpatrick: hall of fame 2012 acaracappaqubeck: O jdoucette: Image of The Day, 08/20/2012
etaylor: Oceanus magazine, Vol. 55, No. 1, Pg. 7
kkostel: Science Stroll poster
atarantino: 2018 UI presentation
efitzpatrick: german magazine
dfino: whoi.edu
jdoucette: Kim G. and Rob M.
efitzpatrick: Muy Interesante magazine
kjoyce: oi brochure
kgrodzki: v
kgrodzki: Munier speech
samurphy: press release
mkurz: presentation
samurphy: press release
kjoyce: vent project
dpandya: for mit whoi jp website.
keident: Possible use OI report.
efitzpatrick: museum
jdoucette: Image Of the Day, 12/27/2013
efitzpatrick: D&D discover by David levin
shumphris: Presentation
atarantino: Dalio presentation
dfino: avery presentation
jiafrate: Cameron invite 2013
acaracappaqubeck: Oceanus vol. 49, no. 3
clinder: Ocean Robots
efitzpatrick: news piece
efitzpatrick: hall of fame 2012
acaracappaqubeck: O
jdoucette: Image of The Day, 08/20/2012
Black Smoker Chimney
Hydrothermal Vent
Instruments and Equipment
IGT - Isobaric Gas-Tight sampler
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