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Alvin came across this collapsed pit of lava on the seafloor.

Alvin came across this collapsed pit of lava on the seafloor.
Alvin came across this collapsed pit of lava on the seafloor.
Alvin came across this collapsed pit of lava on the seafloor.
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Soule, S. Adam
Alvin came across this collapsed pit of lava on the seafloor.
Still Image
Scientists call these shelf-like structures ?bathtub rings,? because they record the different levels of lava before it drains through tubes and fissures
Dive and Discover Expedition 9, Return to the Galapagos Rift.
Image of The Day caption:
Researchers in the Alvin submersible came across this collapsed pit of lava on the seafloor near the Galapagos Rift. Marine geologists call these shelf-like structures ?bathtub rings,? because they record the different levels (or heights) of lava before it drains through tubes and fissures back into the Earth or to a downhill spot on the seafloor.
Photo by Adam Soule
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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