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Justin Suca SCUBA diving to install an audio recorder on the seafloor.

Justin Suca SCUBA diving to install an audio recorder on the seafloor.
Justin Suca SCUBA diving to install an audio recorder on the seafloor.
Justin Suca SCUBA diving to install an audio recorder on the seafloor.
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Jones, Ian
Justin Suca SCUBA diving to install an audio recorder on the seafloor.
Still Image
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 53, No. 1, pg. 29:
Graduate student Justin Suca dives to the seafloor to install an under-sea sound recorder. They are deployed for months at a time to capture a variety of sounds that larvae might home in on to locate reefs.
Image Of the Day caption:
Justin Suca dives to the seafloor to install an audio recorder off the coast of the island of St. John in the Caribbean Sea. Suca, a graduate student in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography, is investigating whether tiny larval fish use sound to navigate from the open ocean where they hatch to coral reefs where they will eventually live. He and his Ph.D. advisor, WHOI biologist Joel Llopiz, are interested in whether fish larvae are homing in on the sounds of a healthy reef in deciding where to settle. The audio recorders will help them figure out what home, and a healthy reef, sounds like.
Photo by Ian Jones
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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