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Rod Eggert, Chris German, and Nii Allotey Odunton.

Rod Eggert, Chris German, and Nii Allotey Odunton.
Rod Eggert, Chris German, and Nii Allotey Odunton.
Rod Eggert, Chris German, and Nii Allotey Odunton.
Rod Eggert, Chris German, and Nii Allotey Odunton.
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Kleindinst Thomas, N.
Rod Eggert, Chris German, and Nii Allotey Odunton.
Still Image
Rod Eggert is Professor and Division Director, Economics and Business, Colorado School of Mines (USA); Chair, Committee on Critical Mineral Impacts on the U.S. Economy (report published 2008); Editor, Resources Policy (1989 - 2006).
Chris German is Chief Scientist for Deep Submergence; Co-Chair, InterRidge; Co-Chair, ChEss Project (Census of Marine Life).
Nii Allotey Odunton is Secretary-General, International Seabed Authority.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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