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Julia Linder from behind with outstretched arms.

Julia Linder from behind with outstretched arms.
Julia Linder from behind with outstretched arms.
Julia Linder from behind with outstretched arms.
Julia Linder from behind with outstretched arms.
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Linder, Christopher
Julia Linder from behind with outstretched arms.
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As the fog closed in, ice, snow, and sky blended into one. "You completely lose your orientation," Linder said. The scientists need to align all the seismometers in their array in the same direction. Fortunately, the helicopter is equipped with Global Positioning System receivers. Without GPS, the helicopter pilots themselves would have trouble finding their way back to the icebreaker. In case the GPS fails, the helicopter is equipped with a transponder that can transmit its position to Oden's bridge, which would act like an airport control tower and guide the helicopter home.
Photo by Chris Linder
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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