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Undergraduate intern Zach Stromer working on a sediment core.

Undergraduate intern Zach Stromer working on a sediment core.
Undergraduate intern Zach Stromer working on a sediment core.
Undergraduate intern Zach Stromer working on a sediment core.
Undergraduate intern Zach Stromer working on a sediment core.
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Kostel, Ken
Undergraduate intern Zach Stromer working on a sediment core.
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Image Of the Day caption:
Zach Stromer, an undergraduate intern from Northeastern University working in Jeff Donnelly's Coastal Systems Group, worked on a sediment core recently that Donnelly and his team collected immediately after Hurricane Sandy raked the Northeast U.S. The core that Stromer, a native of Manhattan, is working on, came from Alder Island, near Hempsted, N.Y. After splitting the core, Stromer and others then searched it for signs of Sandy-like storms in the island's past. The team's rapid deployment to the region to collect data and samples was made possible by funding from WHOI's Coastal Ocean Institute.
Photo by Ken Kostel
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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