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Alvin going into the water for dive 1000.

Alvin going into the water for dive 1000.
Alvin going into the water for dive 1000.
Alvin going into the water for dive 1000.
Alvin going into the water for dive 1000.
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Alvin going into the water for dive 1000.
Still Image
Image Of the Day caption:
In January 1980, the WHOI-operated submersible Alvin made its 1,000th dive to the seafloor during an expedition to the Galapagos Rift. To keep the submersible in prime condition, Alvin recently completed a three-year overhaul that will enhance its diving capabilities. New features include larger viewports, more interior space for the vehicle's pilot and two passengers, and a 3-inch-thick titanium personnel sphere that will eventually allow for exploration beyond its current 2.8-mile depth rating. When Alvin returns to work in the fall of 2013, it will be for the submersible's 4,665th dive.
Dive No. 1000 stats from the dive board on R/V Lulu:
Date: 15 Jan 1980
Expedition Leader: R. Hollis
Chief Scientist: A. Malahoff
Location: Lat: 00° 47.5' N, Lon: 86° 06' W
Depth: 2600 meters
Pilot: R. Hollis
Observer: A. Malahoff
Observer: G. Broderson
R/V Lulu Cruise LU-103
Photo courtesy of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Archives
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Images are from AC-32, Records of the News/Information Office.
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