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Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez working in the lab.

Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez working in the lab.
Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez working in the lab.
Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez working in the lab.
Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez working in the lab.
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Kleindinst, Thomas N.
Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez working in the lab.
Still Image
Alterra Sanchez attends San Diego State University and her WHOI sponsor is Zhaohui Wang.
Image Of the Day caption:
In 2013, Summer Student Fellow Alterra Sanchez calibrated and tested low-cost commercial sensors in a local marsh to evaluate their accuracy. Back in the lab of marine chemist Zhaohui 'Aleck' Wang, she measure the total alkalinity of the marsh water samples using an automated alkalinity titrator. Her research will help quantify the marshs capacity to take up atmospheric carbon dioxide and how much inorganic carbon it exports to the coastal ocean. Applications for the 2014 class of Summer Student Fellows are being accepted through February 15, 2014.
This image is used in Oceanus Magazine, Vol. 51, No. 2, pg. 2, one of several images in a montage with no specific caption.
Photo by Tom Kleindinst
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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