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Profiler mooring buoys and anchors stowed on Knorr main deck.

Profiler mooring buoys and anchors stowed on Knorr main deck.
Profiler mooring buoys and anchors stowed on Knorr main deck.
Profiler mooring buoys and anchors stowed on Knorr main deck.
Profiler mooring buoys and anchors stowed on Knorr main deck.
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Pittenger, Richard F.
Profiler mooring buoys and anchors stowed on Knorr main deck.
Still Image
WHOI departure of R/V Knorr on OOI cruise KN222.
The Pioneer 3 Leg 1 deployment cruise (Pioneer-3a) has 13 primary objectives that include the recovery and deployment of Profiler Moorings, the deployment of gliders, and CTD casts with water sampling at the mooring sites. The Pioneer-3a cruise also has additional objectives, including multi-beam bathymetry surveys of the Pioneer region and CTD/ADCP surveys in the vicinity of the Pioneer moored array.
Image Of the Day caption:
Profiler moorings aboard the R/V Knorr await deployment to the Pioneer Array, a part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative. Located along the interface between coastal waters and the Atlantic Ocean, these moorings are outfitted with a variety of sensors to monitor the ocean's chemical, biological, and physical properties, particularly the exchange of heat, salt, and nutrients. Combined with data collected from other moorings, gliders, and autonomous underwater vehicles, these moorings help scientists understand interactions and changes taking place throughout the water column over time.
Photo by Dick Pittenger
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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