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Researchers extracting and labeling cores at night using headlamps.

Researchers extracting and labeling cores at night using headlamps.
Researchers extracting and labeling cores at night using headlamps.
Researchers extracting and labeling cores at night using headlamps.
Researchers extracting and labeling cores at night using headlamps.
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Linder, Christopher
Researchers extracting and labeling cores at night using headlamps.
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Image Of the Day caption:
A research team works by headlamps to extract sediments from tubes used to core the bottom of Yellowstone Lake. WHOI scientist Rob Sohn, who has explored hydrothermal vents on the deep seafloor, is leading the HD-YLAKE project. The multiyear expedition brings deep-sea technology to investigate the lake bottom, including coring bottom sediments that contain evidence of past geologic activity and climate in the region. Yellowstone National Park attracts millions of tourists each year to see the park's iconic geysers, hot springs, and fumaroles. But fewer know about the hotbed of hydrothermal activity hidden at the bottom of Yellowstone Lake.
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, pg. 59:
The team works by headlamps to extract and label sediment cores on the shore of Yellowstone Lake. The cores are cut into manageable sizes for transportation back to the National Lacustrine Core Facility in Minnesota, where they will be stored for future analysis. The coring team collected eight cores, at least one from each of the six sites. Several cores were 40 feet in length, 12 feet longer than any previously extracted lake core. One core may have penetrated into glacial flour, the fine powder of particles that glaciers create as their rock-laden ice scrapes over bedrock. The core may provide a complete record back to the last glaciation.
Photo by Chris Linder
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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