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Sunset behind R/V Oceanus at dock.

Sunset behind R/V Oceanus at dock.
Sunset behind R/V Oceanus at dock.
Sunset behind R/V Oceanus at dock.
Sunset behind R/V Oceanus at dock.
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Dorsk, Alexander
Sunset behind R/V Oceanus at dock.
Still Image
Red Sky at morning, sailors take warning. The Oceanus at dock in St. George Bermuda the morning before a big storm. The storm actually delayed the ship for a day before doing the BATS cruise with BIOS.
Image of The Day caption:
"... sailors take warning." The old adage applies as WHOI's ship R/V Oceanus sits at the dock in St. George, Bermuda one morning in December 2008, just before a big storm. The storm actually delayed by one day the ship's scheduled departure for a the cruise ? part of the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS) measurements for the Bermuda Institute of Oceanographic Science (BIOS), a long-lasting time series study of ocean biogeochemistry.
Photo by Alexander Dorsk
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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