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Aging measurements overlaid for on a magnified fish otolith.

Aging measurements overlaid for on a magnified fish otolith.
Aging measurements overlaid for on a magnified fish otolith.
Aging measurements overlaid for on a magnified fish otolith.
Aging measurements overlaid for on a magnified fish otolith.
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Llopiz, Joel
Aging measurements overlaid for on a magnified fish otolith.
Still Image
Image Of the Day caption:
Under a microscope, the otolith, or ear stone, of a larval fisha river herringshows concentric rings. Every day the fish adds a layer of calcium carbonate to their otoliths, tiny structures in their heads used for balance and hearing. WHOI biologist and larval fish ecologist Joel Llopiz determines how fast the larvae are growing by measuring their otolith rings. Llopiz is studying factors affecting the growth of river herring, whose populations have declined dramatically, with funding from Woods Hole Sea Grant.
Caption from Oceanus magazine, Vol. 52, No. 2, pg. 3:
A magnified image of a fish otolith, a tiny calcium carbonate deposit in their heads. A new layer grows each day around otoliths, so scientists use them to study how fish grow and develop.
Photo by Joel Llopiz
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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