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Joel Llopiz examining scales of haddock.

Joel Llopiz examining scales of haddock.
Joel Llopiz examining scales of haddock.
Joel Llopiz examining scales of haddock.
Joel Llopiz examining scales of haddock.
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Cojanu, Daniel
Joel Llopiz examining scales of haddock.
Still Image
graphics/13OC0007-Fish Scales-CO/_MG_2040_photo_DanielCojanu.JPG
This image was ultimately not used in Oceanus magazine, however it was shot at the same time as the ones that were used in the publication and it was used as an Image Of the Day.
Image Of the Day caption:
WHOI biologist Joel Llopiz examines scales of haddock collected on annual surveys by the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service to assess fish stocks. The scales, dating back to the 1930s, are preserved in a warehouse on Cape Cod. Llopiz and WHOI colleague Simon Thorrold are analyzing chemical isotopes in the scales to understand how and why the ecosystem may have changed on Georges Bank, one of the worlds most productive fishing grounds. The research offers a new approach for fisheries managers to look beyond fishing pressure and consider environmental factors, species interactions, and the health of entire ecosystems in their decision-making.
Photo by Daniel Cojanu
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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