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Teuthidodrilus (AKA squidworm), is a genus of marine polychaete worms.

Teuthidodrilus (AKA squidworm), is a genus of marine polychaete worms.
Teuthidodrilus (AKA squidworm), is a genus of marine polychaete worms.
Teuthidodrilus (AKA squidworm), is a genus of marine polychaete worms.
Teuthidodrilus (AKA squidworm), is a genus of marine polychaete worms.
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Madin, Laurence P.
Teuthidodrilus (AKA squidworm), is a genus of marine polychaete worms.
Still Image
In October 2007, U. S. and Filipino scientists traveled to the Celebes Sea in Southeast Asia, searching for new species living in its deep water. When they discovered this extraordinary worm--which they named "Squidworm"--they knew they had something completely different. WHOI scientist Larry Madin and National Geographic Society photographer Emory Kristof led the expedition, which was supported by the NOAA Office of Exploration, the National Geographic Society, and the WHOI Ocean Life Institute (OLI).
Image Of the Day caption:
The remarkable squidworm was discovered by WHOI scientist Larry Madin and colleagues during a 2007 expedition to explore the deep waters of the Celebes Sea in the Philippines. The squidworm was recently chosen by the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) as one of the 10 most astounding marine species of the last decade. WoRMS was founded in 2007 with the goal of cataloging all species found globally in the largest habitat on Earth. The squidworm is just one example of the curious creatures that dwell in the ocean's twilight zone, which extends from about 200 to 1,000 meters below the surface of the ocean.
Photo by Larry Madin
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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