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Mock-up of Aluminaut, Gordon Volkmann inside sub porthole.

Mock-up of Aluminaut, Gordon Volkmann inside sub porthole.
Mock-up of Aluminaut, Gordon Volkmann inside sub porthole.
Mock-up of Aluminaut, Gordon Volkmann inside sub porthole.
Mock-up of Aluminaut, Gordon Volkmann inside sub porthole.
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Mock-up of Aluminaut, Gordon Volkmann inside sub porthole.
Still Image
Date is approximate
Harry Hodgkins 2nd from right and Ken Morrison on right.
Image Of the Day caption:
A mockup of the 42-foot Aluminaut, shown at WHOI in 1961. The deep submergence vehicle (DSV) was owned by the Reynolds Metals Co. (later Reynolds Aluminum) and operated briefly by WHOI in the early 1960s. In 1969, the Aluminaut helped retrieve the DSV Alvin from beneath 5,000 feet of water, a year after Alvin accidentally sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean when support cables snapped. The 80-ton sub also did contract work for the US Navy and filmaker Jacques Cousteau, among others. After retirement, Aluminaut was donated to the Science Museum of Virginia in Richmond, where it is on permanent display.
Photo courtesy of WHOI Archives
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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