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Carl Kaiser on Atlantis with Sentry fielding media questions.

Carl Kaiser on Atlantis with Sentry fielding media questions.
Carl Kaiser on Atlantis with Sentry fielding media questions.
Carl Kaiser on Atlantis with Sentry fielding media questions.
Carl Kaiser on Atlantis with Sentry fielding media questions.
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Doucette, Jayne H.
Carl Kaiser on Atlantis with Sentry fielding media questions.
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Image Of the Day caption:
Television reporters interview Carl Kaiser, program manager for the autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry at the National Deep Submergence Facility (NDSF), in early May on the deck of R/V Atlantis following the expedition to locate the voyage data recorder (VDR) from the sunken cargo ship El Faro. Kaiser participated in a press conference at WHOI with the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) to provide journalists with the details of the mission. Kaiser stands in front of Sentry, which was used in tandem with a towed camera sled to help locate the VDR and to map and image the ship and its debris field 15,000 feet below the sea surface.
Photo by Jayne Doucette
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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