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REMUS 600 "Caryn" recovery off Scripps pier, San Diego.

REMUS 600 "Caryn" recovery off Scripps pier, San Diego.
REMUS 600 "Caryn" recovery off Scripps pier, San Diego.
REMUS 600 "Caryn" recovery off Scripps pier, San Diego.
REMUS 600 "Caryn" recovery off Scripps pier, San Diego.
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Girard, Andrew P.
REMUS 600 "Caryn" recovery off Scripps pier, San Diego.
Still Image
Image Of the Day caption:
In a collaborative project with researchers at Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SI0), a REMUS 600 autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) equipped with imaging LiDARa remote sensing technology that uses laser lightwas deployed off the SIO research pier in March 2016. It was the first in a series of tests that will pave the way for adding high-resolution, optical imaging and 3D sensing capabilities to AUVs. The vehicle, which is capable of diving to 600 meters, is part of the Remote Environmental Monitoring UnitsS (REMUS) family of AUVs designed and built by the WHOI Oceanographic Systems Lab.
Photo by Andrew Girard
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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