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The multi-corer on the deck of the ship.

The multi-corer on the deck of the ship.
The multi-corer on the deck of the ship.
The multi-corer on the deck of the ship.
The multi-corer on the deck of the ship.
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Carman, Mary
The multi-corer on the deck of the ship.
Still Image
Image of The Day caption:
Sediment accumulating on the bottom of the sea carries in it clues to the past, in the form of tiny shells, chemical compounds, and isotopes of elements that reflect climate and ocean conditions in a chronological layer-cake. This tool, the multi-corer, extracts cylindrical cores of ocean-bottom mud that extend from the present (the mud's surface) back in time, which researchers store and analyze in WHOI's Seafloor Samples Laboratory.
Date of item is approximate relating to cruise period.
R/V Knorr cruise KN178
Chief Scientist Lloyd Keigwin, 17 Jun - 9 Jul 2004
Woods Hole to Woods Hole.
Photo by Mary Carman
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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