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River herring swimming in Stony Brook in Brewster, MA.

River herring swimming in Stony Brook in Brewster, MA.
River herring swimming in Stony Brook in Brewster, MA.
River herring swimming in Stony Brook in Brewster, MA.
River herring swimming in Stony Brook in Brewster, MA.
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Llopiz, Joel
River herring swimming in Stony Brook in Brewster, MA.
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Like salmon, river herring are anadromous—they spend most of their life at sea and make annual spawning migrations up rivers to release their eggs. Although the size of these spring migrations in rivers on the East Coast have decreased over the past decade, they still attract curious visitors. WHOI Biologist Joel Llopiz and members of his lab recently began a study to examine the factors that influences the growth and survival of river herring larvae. On a recent sampling trip, to Stony Brook in Brewster, Mass., (pictured) they captured video of the migration.
Photo by Joel Llopiz
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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