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Small fish surrounding the descending sub.

Small fish surrounding the descending sub.
Small fish surrounding the descending sub.
Small fish surrounding the descending sub.
Small fish surrounding the descending sub.
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Pineda, Jesùs
Small fish surrounding the descending sub.
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Image Of the Day caption:
In April, WHOI biologist Jesús Pineda worked aboard the research vessel Alucia, to study the ecology and oceanography of Hannibal Seamount, an undersea mountain rising from 1,377 to 130 feet below the surface off the coast of Panama. His work included diving in a three-person submersible. "We were descending to the bottom of the seamount, when we were surrounded by a large school of sardine-sized fish that stayed with the sub for more than five minutes," Pineda said. "With the lights on, it appeared as if we were inside a Christmas tree. It was one of my favorite experiences on the cruise."
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© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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