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Participating in the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on R/V Knorr.

Participating in the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on R/V Knorr.
Participating in the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on R/V Knorr.
Participating in the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on R/V Knorr.
Participating in the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on R/V Knorr.
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Nobre, Carolina
Participating in the 2014 ALS Ice Bucket Challenge on R/V Knorr.
Still Image
Image Of the Day caption:
Members of the O-SNAP research cruise take the "ice bucket challenge" to raise money for ALS research aboard the R/V Knorr in late August. Unlike the thousands of celebrities and other participants in the viral video craze, these daring souls saved their precious drinking water and filled tin cans with water straight from the 40?F North Atlantic. Due to the slow Internet connection on board, the Knorr crew had never actually seen an ice bucket video. But they might just get the prize for "most authentic". From left, Estelle Dumont (Scottish Association for Marine Science), Dana Mastropole (MIT-WHOI joint program student), outreach blogger Shannon Palus, WHOI information systems employee Shannon Rauch, Knorr engineer Vasile Tudoran, WHOI research assistant Liz Bonk, and Knorr third mate Josh Woodrow.
Photo by Carolina Nobre
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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