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Daniel Dubno of CBS News with his compressed styrofoam cup

Daniel Dubno of CBS News with his compressed styrofoam cup
Daniel Dubno of CBS News with his compressed styrofoam cup
Daniel Dubno of CBS News with his compressed styrofoam cup
Daniel Dubno of CBS News with his compressed styrofoam cup
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Nevala, Amy
Daniel Dubno of CBS News with his compressed styrofoam cup
Still Image
Dive and Discover Expedition 9, Return to the Galapagos Rift.
Image of The Day caption:
"Digital Dan" Dubno, producer and technologist for CBS News, with a souvenir Styrofoam cup that was carried on the outside of the submersible Alvin during a dive and shrunken by the water pressure.
Photo by Amy Nevala
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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