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A female crab collected on an Alvin dive

A female crab collected on an Alvin dive
A female crab collected on an Alvin dive
A female crab collected on an Alvin dive
A female crab collected on an Alvin dive
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Nevala, Amy
A female crab collected on an Alvin dive
Still Image
Dive and Discover Expedition 9, Return to the Galapagos Rift.
Image of The Day caption:
A female crab--with orange eggs tucked into her abdomen--was collected from the deep seafloor during an Alvin dive in May 2005. Researchers return frequently to places like the Galapagos Rift to uncover new life forms, which seem to appear on almost every trip, and to examine how seafloor creatures and their environment develop over time.
Photo by Amy Nevala
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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