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Vent shrimp swarm around a vent field and ROV Jason manipulator arm.

Vent shrimp swarm around a vent field and ROV Jason manipulator arm.
Vent shrimp swarm around a vent field and ROV Jason manipulator arm.
Vent shrimp swarm around a vent field and ROV Jason manipulator arm.
Vent shrimp swarm around a vent field and ROV Jason manipulator arm.
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German, Chris
Vent shrimp swarm around a vent field and ROV Jason manipulator arm.
Still Image
R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-16, ROV Jason images.
Cruise intentions are to characterize the geology, geochemistry, microbiology and macrobiology of two new hydrothermal fields on the Mid-Cayman Rise: The Piccard hydrothermal field at ~5000m depth near 18? 33? N, 81?43? W and the Von Damm hydrothermal field at ~2300m depth near 18? 23? N, 81? 48?W.
Image of The Day caption:
In January 2012, an international research group aboard research vessel Atlantis completed an expedition to study the world's deepest-known hydrothermal vents, at the Mid-Cayman Rise in the Caribbean. The group, led by WHOI marine geochemist Chris German, collected samples and images at depths ranging from 2,300 to 5,000 meters using the remotely-operated vehicle Jason (the vehicle's robotic arm is visible here). Deep-sea shrimp thrived at one site, named Von Damm, named for the late scientist Karen Von Damm, a graduate of the MIT/WHOI Joint Program.
Photo courtesy of Chris German/WHOI/NSF, NASA/ROV Jason 2012, © Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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