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Greg O'Neil and Chris Reddy collecting oil residue samples on the beach.

Greg O'Neil and Chris Reddy collecting oil residue samples on the beach.
Greg O'Neil and Chris Reddy collecting oil residue samples on the beach.
Greg O'Neil and Chris Reddy collecting oil residue samples on the beach.
Greg O'Neil and Chris Reddy collecting oil residue samples on the beach.
Geolocation data
(30°13′30″N, 88°0′27″W)
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Ippolito, Tracy
Greg O'Neil and Chris Reddy collecting oil residue samples on the beach.
Still Image
graphics/Reddy/2014-12-10 11.08.22.jpg
O'Neil is a former WHOI Summer Student Fellow and now a professor at Western Washington University.
Sampling Ft. Morgan, Alabama beach.
Image Of the Day caption:
Six years after the blow-out of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, WHOI marine chemist Chris Reddy (right), is still finding oil from the accident along Gulf beaches. Shown here at Ft. Morgan Beach, Alabama, in 2014 with colleague Greg O'Neil from Western Washington University, the scientists have made long-term study of the spill a top priority, cataloguing thousands of samples from around the Gulf in an online database that can be used by the public and the scientific community.
Photo by Tracy Ippolito
© Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
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