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The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the Oceanus.

The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the Oceanus.
The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the Oceanus.
The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the Oceanus.
The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the Oceanus.
Geolocation data
(39°25′25″N, 70°56′18″W)
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Lund, John
The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the Oceanus.
Still Image
R/V Oceanus cruise OC475.
Image of The Day caption:
The Sea Cycler winch, being deployed from the R/V Oceanus, is the largest component of the Global Hybrid Profiler and will eventually be included as part of the Ocean Observatories Initiative Global Scale Node. The winch and accompanying instrument package (including a surface-piercing antenna, not shown) are raised and lowered in the water column to measure the water's physical properties. The package also includes a more traditional moored profiler that samples below the Sea Cycler, making it "'hybrid" instrument. The various components transmit data both inductively and acoustically, and send it in near real-time back to shore when the antenna surfaces.
Photo by John Lund
© Consortium for Ocean Leadership
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